Quantum Archers was founded in 2002 by a group of people from a night school archery class. The reason they formed the club was so that they could be affiliated to the Grand National Archery Society (GNAS), the County of Warwickshire Archery Association (CWAA) and the West Midlands Archery Society (WMAS), and enter competitions.
At the club’s Annual General Meeting in 2004 a new Management Committee was elected and a new constitution adopted. The club continued to be run from the night school class, however children were then able to join via ‘Family Learning’ classes.
In 2005, Quantum Juniors was registered as a separate club to take advantage of the GNAS Junior Club subscription arrangements. The junior club is managed and run as part of the senior club.
In November 2005 a new shooting venue was found and the club separated from the night school classes.
The club now has shooting venues at two schools; and works in partnership with the schools to make archery available to their pupils.
The purpose of the club is “To encourage and foster participation and enjoyment for all in the sport of archery by actively engaging with community groups to develop latent interest and encourage personal development”.
We work towards this purpose by running taster sessions in schools, at fetes, open days, community holidays etc. We run introductory courses in schools and After School Clubs were possible.
The club is managed by a committee consisting of Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Junior Development Officer. In addition to these the following are co-opted onto the committee, with voting rights; Child Protection Officer, Junior Club Representative, Records Officer, Equipment Officer and Tournament Organiser.
Management Committee meetings are held six times a year.
At least one member of the committee attends every club event and is available for any member to speak to.
Future Plans
The future plans of the club are:
- To continue to make archery accessible to as many people as possible.
- To encourage the personal development of members by passing on knowledge, arranging coaching days etc.
- To support the members training to be GNAS qualified coaches.
- To encourage members to continue with the sport whether they want to enter competitions, shoot to improve their personal best or shoot for fun.
- To run tournaments.